07/28/05 - Two hours....and no knee pain!

Had trouble sleeping last night so I woke up late (around 8:30am) and didn't leave the house until about 9:15. I took the Ibis this time and did a moderate pace ride through town (where some biotch in an SUV almost ran me over as she pulled out of her driveway) and out to some local trails. Overall it was an hour out, and then an hour back. I focused on a pretty high cadence the whole time, even on the climbs, and my knee didn't seem to bother me at all. I could feel a little bit of something, but I wonder if that was me just focusing on it and expecting it to hurt. Rolled back in the driveway about 11:20, did some good stretches, and sucked down some Endurox R4. I'm pretty pleased that the knee is feeling better, but its probably too soon to be sure its healed completely. Tommorrow I plan on getting up early and leaving the house around 6:30am for a quick hour ride.... gonna be a busy Friday, so thats about all I have the time for.
Other workouts/Training
None. Still a little sore from the previous two days of upper body work. I'll hit the weights again next Monday or Tuesday.
In Other News:
Stay tuned...
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