Sunday, June 17, 2007

Three days of pump track fun!

Got a chance to ride on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The main loop is pretty much dialed now and I've been riding it a couple times a week for the past month or so. When I first started I could barely get in 2 laps, now I'm up to about 5 laps before my ticker is redlined and I have to recover for a minute or two. Lap time is about 14-15 seconds depending on how dry and packed the surface is. I'm having more dirt delivered this week so I can add a couple transitions inside the main loop.

Here's a couple videos...

Two laps on the Kona...

Two laps on the DK Dayton...

And from a slightly different angle...

A couple more clips...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

BMX bike = excellent pump track bike

This past weekend I spent Saturday and Sunday tearing around my pump track on my DK Dayton BMX bike. Wow, what a huge difference from the bike I normally ride, a Kona Cowan. 20" bikes are a TON of fun for this type of riding... its a lot easier to "pump" with the smaller/lighter bike and rigid front fork, plus its just so damn easy to throw the bike around. Who knows, I may start riding this bike more than my Kona.

Here are a few pics...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Excellent "How To Pump" video...

This is pretty sweet...